Members of the Pokanoket Tribe presented the history and culture of the Tribe at the Providence Children’s Museum on January 14, 2023 as part of the Museum’s Martin Luther King holiday celebration. Above, Kathryn “She Walks with the Wind” Morrison-Hewson and Sachem Tracey “Dancing Star” Brown perform a traditional blanket dance. Click here for a 14-minute video of the event.
(Above) Dancing Star tells stories of how the earth was created on the back of a turtle and how the bear lost his tail before Warriors Hawk and Brave Heart, both in their 80s, prepare to perform the difficult Calumet dance.
(Above) Adults and children look over the artifacts on display that Brave Heart and Hawk describe, and Rainbow Heart explains how the Pokanoket name was suppressed after King Philip’s War and replaced with “Wampanoag”.
(Above) Dancing Star and others make corn husk dolls like the one that five-year-old Angelia holds while other children try tossing pine cones through a hanging hoop and look over more games.
(Above) A child listens as Dancing Star tells a final story before the tribe brings the event to a close.