Pokanokets celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day at Burr’s Hill Park in Warren

An estimated 300 people came to Burr’s Hill Park in Warren, RI on August 8, 2021 to recognize World-wide Indigenous Peoples Day Warren Town Council President Keri Cronin read a proclamation passed by the Town Council marking August 9th as the official day and the first annual event in Warren recognizing the Pokanoket Tribe. Click here for a 20-minute video of the four-hour event. Click here for the Warren Times-Gazette article.

(Above) Daryl Jamison, center, led the Eastern Medicine Singers along with the Pokanoket drummers for the crowds gathered in the park. (right) Lee “Braveheart” Edmonds heads down the hill for the first dancing event.

(Above) Warren resident Marilyn Matheson and her daughter, Lydea Irwin, admire the paintings of the Massasoit and of Sowams by Martha’s Vineyard artist Ruth Major. (Center and right) A wetu under construction and a deer skin tanning rack was constructed by Pokanoket member Coy “Firekeeper” Bethune.

(Above) Sagamore Winds of Thunder speaks with Warren Times-Gazette editor Ethan Hartley who then speaks with Pokanoket Council President Running Deer. (Right) Warren Town Councilor Brandt Heckert and Council President Keri Cronin pose for a photo with State Representative June Speakman prior to Ms. Cronin issuing World Indigenous Peoples Day proclamation. Town Councilor Joseph DePasquale was also in attendance.

Darlene “Mourning Star” Bruce Spencer sings “Great Spirit hear our cry” before the Pokanoket women offer a blanket dance and Isaiah “Sleeping Turtle” Johnson plays a song on his flute.

Click here to hear Clan Grandmother Barbara Kurfis sing the Pokanoket Water Song.