Native Americans of New England with UMass Professor Christoph Strobal

This hour-long history of Native Americans in New England covers colonization, dispossession, racism, Native American resistance, adaptation, and survival. It also examines some of the colonial legacies that still shape the views and (mis-) perceptions about Indigenous peoples to this day. Click here for the YouTube video that was posted on June 5, 2023.

Christoph Strobel, Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, is the author of War and Colonization in the Early American Northeast, and Native Americans of New England. He begins by examining some of the visible and intellectual legacies of Native American history.

Professor Strobel then covers some of the legacies of colonization, the results of King Philip’s War, and the legacy of survival and persistence that followed.

After noting Joseph Nicolar who wrote The Life and Traditions of the Red Man, and Mohegan Medicine Woman Gladys Tantaqquigeon, Strobel goes on to talk about the legacies of Indian boarding schools and continued land loss.