Indigenous Sites By admin On December 18, 2017 A number of significant 17th century American Aboriginal locations can be found in Sowams. King Philip’s Seat, Mt. Hope, Bristol The Three Sisters at Potumtuk King’s Rock on Sachem’s Knoll in Swansea/Warren Sachem’s Knoll on Route 136 in Swansea Margaret’s Rock, Swansea Devil’s Rock, Swansea Abram’s Rock, Swansea Anawan Rock, Rehoboth Touisset Wildlife Refuge, Warren The Kickemuit River in 17th century Sowams Waypoyset Preserve, Bristol Sowams Woods, Barrington Tobey Site on the Palmer River, Rehoboth Jones Pond & Other Archaeological Sites Neutaconkanut Hill, Providence Council Oak in Dighton, MA Click here for a description of other aboriginal locations in Rhode Island.