PBS and GBH Television once again provided an airing of Ric Burns’ 2015 documentary, “The Pilgrims”, that explores the forces, circumstances, personalities and events that converged to exile the English group in Holland and eventually propel their crossing to the New World; a story universally familiar in broad outline, but almost entirely unfamiliar to a general audience in its rich and compelling historical actuality. Click here for the 2-hour video.
(Above) The late actor Roger Rees portrayed William Brandford, whose book Of Plymouth Plantation, written during 1620-1647 but not published until 1855, provides the material for the script.
(Above) Many authors, including Mayflower author Nathaniel Philbrick, provided the narration for the story that depicted the survival of the group of English Separatists and others who settled in Patuxet, today’s Plymouth, MA.