East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva led a public workshop on October 16, 2023 at City Hall to solicit opinions for a proposed East Providence Cultural Center to be built at Hunt’s Mills with amenities that include a reception area, presentation space, exhibit areas, bathrooms and a conference room. Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator Dr. David Weed spoke and pointed out that the exhibit area could be used to tell the story of Sowams, the homeland of the Massasoit Ousaequin who welcomed the Pilgrims in 1621 by providing an expanded museum. It would become one of six museums in the nine town area. Architect David Sisson presented a concept plan and the public was encouraged to comment. To learn more about the proposed East Providence Cultural Center, contact Patrick Hanner, Principal Planner at phanner@eastprovidenceri.gov or 401-654-4268.