Long-time Attleboro resident Don Doucette has had a lifelong interest in exploring and understanding the land and water in the area around Sowams. Don spoke with Somams Heritage Coordinator Dave Weed on November 5, 2018 to share what he knows about the natural and native history of the area in a half-hour interview. The Blackstone, Coles, Kickemuit, Runnins, Ten-Mile, and Palmer rivers provided excellent transportation for the native people as well as the English colonizers in the 17th century. Don walked the entire 27-mile length of the Ten-Mile River with a friend in 1995 to show how accessible it would have been to the native people who lived along its banks for thousands of years. Don also spoke about the formation of the soil by the glaciers that left enormous areas or rich soil behind throughout Sowams that was highly prized by both the Pokanoket native people as well as the colonists who moved into the area in the 17th century. Click here to see the web page and here to listen to the entire 32-minute interview.