Dr. Burton Van Edwards, visiting lecturer at Bridgewater State University and Bryant University, conducted a tour of Mathewson Road and Jenny’s Lane in Barrington, RI on September 15, 2018 for the Barrington Preservation Society. He began with some of the early history of the town and went on to describe the legacy of Allen C. Mathewson who built two hotels and five Victorian houses on Jennys Lane in the 19th century. The first Congregational Church Meeting House was built on what is now Jenny’s Lane in Barrington in the early 1700s. Swansea’s Congregationalists, primarily residents of Phebe’s and New Meadow Necks in Barrington, formed a new church of their own and built a meetinghouse on today’s Jennys Lane some time between 1712 and 1718. Click here for photos of the tour and here for a 33-minute video.